Wild boars (Sus scrofa) as the hosts and distributors of Haemaphysalis longicornis and Dermacentor silvarum ticks

Belov Yu.A., Burukhina E.G., Moskvina T.V., Shchelkanov E.M., Suroviy A.L., Pankratov D.V., Fomenko P.V., Dedkov V.G., Romanova O.B., Galkina I.V., Shchelkanov M.Yu.

В издании North-East Asia Biodiversity: Abstract Book of the 1-st International Conference (Vladivostok, Russia; September 17-21, 2018)

Год: 2018 Страницы: 17

During planning monitoring of wild boar (Sus scrofa) diseases we have found a great number of H. longicornis and D. silvarum overwintering on the ears of wild boars (November-March). Wild boars with ectoparasites were found far beyond usual (described in scientific literature) areal of H. longicornis and D. silvarum: e.g. in the Northern part of Khasan district, Nadezhdinsky district, Ussuriisk urban district, Anuchinsky district and Chuguevsky district. The phenomenon discovered needs to revise accepted concepts of areal borders for Ixodidae ticks and infection agents associated with them.

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