Особенности эксплуатации почвенного покрова восточного побережья Северо-Сахалинской низменности

Жарикова Е.А.

В издании Регионы нового освоения: ресурсный потенциал и инновационные пути его использования: материалы Конференции с международным участием

Год: 2011 Страницы: 211-213

The common pattern formation of landscapes and soils of unexplored territory is described. The main types of soils were revealed and the current state of soil cover was assessed. The main causes of disruption and degradation of landscapes and soils are economical activities such as logging, fires, using heavy vehicles. Destruction of coarse humus and peat horizons creates the starting situation to processes of erosion, can degrade soil properties. Recommendations to reduce impacts on the soil cover during the construction and operation of industrial facilities are suggested.